Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Westlife M&G Video Competition

Karena saya adalah fans berat Westlife sejak 1998 alias 13 tahun yang lalu, tentunya hal ini tidak akan saya lewatkan begitu saja..Karena ini merupakan satu-satunya kesempatan saya bisa bertatap muka langsung dengan Westlife.. :)
Tapi saya dibikin stress olehnya, karena saya gk bisa bikin video kreatif :( ..
Arggghhhh saingannya banyak lagi, 4500 orang :(

Tapi demi Westlife, saya harus belajar bikin video kreatif..no pain no gain kan ?? hihi ..
Kalo cuma video biasa aja sih saya bisa, tapi pihak promotor mintanya video yang kreatif, dan kalo bisa setiap peserta nyanyiin ulang lagunya westlife :( . Dan derita kedua pun datang, saya gk bisa nyanyi, yah kecuali nyanyi di kamar mandi .. hehehe

Dan sekarang saya harus berjuang keras sekeras-sekerasnya..harus rajin-rajin googling, buka youtube, dan nanya sana sini..dan bergaya-gaya depan kamera ditengah keramaian :(

Semoga semua derita ini terbayar dengan sebuah tiket M&G Westlife dari Marygops Studio. Amiiinnnnnn Ya Rabbal Alamin ..... :)

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011


I love these stuff so much..but i don't kknow how to get them, cuz we don't have ZARA store here :(

IELSP Scholarship

IIEF holds an Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP). It is a program that offers a chance to enroll in English Language Courses at prominent universities in the United States for a period of 8 (eight) weeks.

The goal of this program is to improve the ability of participant’s English language, especially in English for Academic Purposes. Other than that, participants will have the chance to learn intimately the people and culture of the United States. IELSP participants will join the immersion program where they will mix with other participants from other nations and countries. Within this program, participants will not only learn the English language, but they will also join various cultural programs that will enrich their experience.

General Requirement
1.Participant age must be 19 – 24 years old. Participant must be an active students for bachelor degree in their 5th semester above at any universities all over Indonesia and have not yet declared pass or in the course of degree completion.
2.Participant must have posses good ability in the English language with a good TOEFL® International or TOEFL® ITP with a minimum 450 (not a Prediction Test)
3.Participant must also have good academic achievement Active in lots of activities and organization
4.Have full commitment to return back to Indonesia after completing this program.
5.Do not have experience of previous study in USA or other countries except Indonesia
6.Possesses these personal qualities: active, independent, responsible, confident and open minded
7.Master the skills for computer

Registration Schedule

For the IELSP Cohort X, the completed form and accompanied by the required documents must be received by IIEF at the latest on November 18, 2011.

Registration form need to be sent to this address:
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite A-B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
(harap menuliskan IELSP di sudut kiri atas amplop)

source : http://www.iief.or.id

Westlife Gravity Tour In Jakarta

Westlife merupakan boyband yang berasal dari Irlandia, yg berdiri pada tahun 1998 dan terdiri dari Shane Fila, Markus Feehily, Nicky Byrne, dan Kian Egan akan berkunjung kembali ke Indonesia pada tanggal 5 October 2011 dalam rangka rangkaian Westlife Gravity Tour.
Tiket sudah mulai dijual sejak 23 Juli lalu dengan harga yang bervariasi.. Mulai dari 600an sampai 800an. Dan tiket tersebut dapat di beli di rajakarcis.com dan marrygops studio.
So buat yang ngefans sama Westlife ( termasuk saya )ayooo buruan beli tiketnya...dan see you di Tennis Indoor Senayan 5 October nanti :)